O'rta asrlarda sharqdagi islom davlatlarida oliy saroy mansablaridan biri; Sug’orish, moliya, hariy, aloqa, adliya va b.ishlarni yurituvchi mahkama (devona) boshlig’I; devonbek
One of the highest court positions in the Islamic states of the East in the Middle Ages; Head of the Department of irrigation, finance, military, communications, justice and other affairs.
Nazar hovliga chiqib, devonbekka Devonbegi unvonini topshirishni buyurdi. Manba: E. Usmonov, Yolqin |
Sarhadlar va tobe’ |
There were three other ministers in charge of the administration of frontiers and subordinate countries who reported to the devonbegi. Manba: Z.Saidboboyev, Historical geography |
Nazar went out the courtyard and ordered to give devonbek the title of Devonbegi. Manba: E. Usmonov, Flame |