O‘zb: Yalang`och daraxt
Eng: Bare tree
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ship-shiydam daraxt


Bargsiz, bargi yo`q, bargi to`kilgan daraxt


Tree without leaves


Qor yo‘q, lekin ertalab yalang‘och daraxtlarda va tomlarda qalingina qirov yaltiraydi.

Manba: Oybek, Qutlug` qon


Through the same cold sunlight, colder as the day declines, and through the same sharp wind, sharper as the separate shadows of bare trees gloom together in the woods, and as the Ghost's Walk, touched at the western corner by a pile of fire in the sky, resigns itself to coming night, they drive into the park.


Manba: Ch.Dichens, Bleak House