O‘zb: Qor uchqunlari
Eng: Feathers of snow; snow flurry
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qor parchasi


Qorning juda kichik zarralari


A light snowfall that results in little or no snow accumulation.


Havo bulut, achchig‘, sovuq yel to‘rt to-mong‘a yugurar, onda-sonda qor uchqunlarini quvlab ziriqtirar edi

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar


Flurries of snow began to fall, the white flakes melting on the black.

Manba: www.foboko.com

Many little crystals of ice and feathers of snow had drifted on to hire as he lay, and sparkled upon his dark seaman's jacket. 

Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of The Four