O‘zb: Besh tosh
Eng: Five stones


Besh tosh - bolalar o`yini. Beshta yoki undan ortiq silliq va kichik hajmdagi toshchalar olinadi. O`yinchi bir kaftida bitta toshchani ushlagan holda, huddi o`sha qo`li bilan boshqa toshchani ham yerdan irg`itib olishi kerak va har bir olingan toshcha o`yinchi qo`lida saqlab boriladi. Hech bir toshni tushirib yubormasdan barcha toshlarni yig`ib olgan o`yinchi g`olib bo`ladi. Bu o`yin qo`l harakatchanligi, chaqqonlik va tezlikni oshiradi. 


Five stone is a children's games. Five or more smooth and small-sized stones are chosen. Holding one stone in one hand, the player must throw the other stone from the ground with the same hand, and each stone is kept in the player's hand. The player who collects all the stones without dropping any of them is the winner. This game improves hand mobility, agility and speed.


“Lapar o`yin” qadimda mavjud bo`lgan beshtosh, to`qqiztosh singari bir nechta tosh o`yinlaridan yana biri bo`lib, bu o`yin o`g`il bolalar orasida keng tarqalgan.

Manba: Mahmud Sattor, O`zbek udumlari kitobidan


"Lapar game" is another ancient stone game, such as five stones, nine stones, which is popular among boys.

Manba: Mahmud Sattor, Uzbek customs