O‘zb: O`troq aholi
Eng: Sedentary population


Ma`lum bir joyda doimiy yashaydigan aholi


Population that live in a fixed geographical location


Shunday qilib, miloddan awalgi VI —IV asrlardagi o'troq aholi

va ko'chmanchi sak, massaget qabilalari O'rta Osiyo aholisining

keyingi asrlardagi etnik taraqqiyotiga zamin tayyorlab bergan.

Manba: "Tarixiy geografiya" Zokirjon Saidboboyev


…I came to the conclusion that these maps do not give an idea of the ethnic composition of the sedentary population of Central Asia before 1917…

Manba: An Historical Atlas Of Central Asia, Yuri Bregel