Birovni yomonlash asnosida suhbatlashib yotish
To lie with gossiping in bed
Opa-singillar ichida yengiltakroq bo’lgan bu ikki qiz boshqa qiziqarli narsa bo’lmagani uchun nonushtadan keyin o'zlarini xursand qilish va kechqurun uyqu oldidan g`iybatlashib yotish uchun yangiliklardan xabardor bo`lgani, albatta, Meritonga borib kelishlari kerak edi. Manba: Andisha va g`urur, Jeyn Ostin |
The two youngest of the family, Catherine and Lydia, were particularly frequent in these attentions; their minds were more vacant than their sisters’, and when nothing better offered, a walk to Meryton was necessary to amuse their morning hours and furnish conversation for the evening; and however bare ofnews the country in general might be,… Manba: Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice |