1.Mushtga o`xshagan, katta-kichikligi, shakli mushtcha keladigan
2. Musht zarbi kabi qattiq
As hard and strong as power of fist
1.Tuyqisdan qo‘li qor ostidagi g‘adirbudirlikka ilashdi va bir tortib mushtdek muzlagan kesakni ko‘chirib oldi, yotgan ko‘yi o‘zidan ikki quloch chamasi naridagi musichani mo‘ljallab otdi: O’h!.. Musicha yotgan joyida potrillab, jon talvasa qila boshladi. |
Boshida mushtday qattiq lungi yostiqcha. Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz |
The latter idea struck Patrick's cowering mind like a fist, savagely pushing him towards what, even in his muddled state, he perceived to be the cliffs of madness. Manba: Irena Karafilly, April Fools' Day |
Whenever somebody walked into the fruit-and-vegetable shop over the next couple of days, Charlie's stomach knotted like a fist. Manba: Harry Turtledove, Powerless |