O‘zb: Baxmal lab
Eng: Ruby lips; soft lip
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Lola lab, Qirmizi lab


Mayin, silliq lab va baxmal rangli qip-qizil lab


Dark red lips; lips that are not firm.


Parkdan chiqib Muqaddas bilan birga yana institutga tomon borarkanman o‘zimni asphalt ustida emas go‘yo pat gilam ustida yurib ketayotgandek his qilardim lablarimda hamon lablarining baxmal mayinligini sezardim, dimog‘imga urayotgan rayxon hididan boshim aylanardi”

Manba: Odil Yoqubov , Muqaddas


Alice sat upon his knee, parting the gray hairs on the forehead of the old man with her delicate fingers; and whenever he affected to frown on her trifling, appeasing his assumed anger by pressing her ruby lips fondly on his wrinkled brow.


Manba: The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper