O‘zb: Nozigardon
Eng: Nozigardon
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Zebigardon


Bo’yin va ko`krak qismiga bezak sifatida taqiladigan qimmatbaho taqinchoq


An expensive piece of jewelry worn around the neck and breast


Ko‘kraklarda tumorlar, nozigardonlar, uch qatorli shokilalar, to‘rt qator shokilalar, to‘rt qator-u besh nishonli marjonlar shoda-shoda bo‘ldi.

Manba: Tog'ay Murod, Oydinda yurgan odamlar

Tilla bezakli parcha hamda yupqa va nafis metalldan tayyorlangan nozigardon ularga ko’rk qo’shib turibdi.

Manba: Libos tarixi


There were pendants, nozigardons, bunches of three raw of beads and four-five raw of corals were put on.

Manba: Togay Murad, People by moonlight

A piece of gold ornament and a nozigardon made of delicate metal add splendour to them. 

Manba: History of clothes