O‘zb: Aqlan
Eng: Intellectually
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Aqliy


Voqea-hodisalarni tushunish va aql bilan fikrlash qobiliyati bilan bog'liq


in an intellectual manner, mentally


Asadbek faqat jisman emas aqlan ham oqsoq bo’lganlar valdiraganida jim o’tirolmasdi. 

Manba: Tohir Malik, Shaytanat


I shall only say, that while each of the views I have stated — and I might have stated many more from Goethe's commentators — is distinct, and so separable that one does not necessarily suggest the other, yet neither does it exclude it, I cannot go the length of Mr. De Vere, who, in his ' Letters from Greece,' tells us that ' all that can take place, intellectually or morally, on the globe, is but an expression of the struggles that may take place in a single bosom.

Manba: Faustus, Goethe