O‘zb: O`choqboshi
Eng: Stove / Kitchen
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: O`choq, Yero`choq


Taom  tayyorlash  uchun o’choq-qozoni bo’lgan va ovqatlanish uchun kerakli asbob va idish bilan jihozlanuvchi xonalari bo’lgan joy


An apparatus in which a fuel is used to furnish heat for cooking;

An area where food is prepared and cooked.


Choy so‘zi og‘zidan chiqmasdanoq Zaynab o‘choq boshig‘a yugurib ketdi. Uning keti bilan Kumushning uyiga qaradi. Eshik va darichalar ochiq bo‘lsalar ham uyda birav ko‘rinmadi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar

Ikkinchi va uchunchi haftalarda o‘choqboshini o‘z qo‘lig‘a olib kundashini ikkita yosh bolasi bilan tomoq vajidan ham siqa boshlaydir.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar

Qayin ona tarafidan "Opangning ko‘zi yorir vaqti yetdi, o‘choqboshi ishlaringni endi o‘z qo‘lingg‘a ol!" deb qiling‘an taklifni mamnuniyat bilan qabul etib, hatto Oybodoq onani ham o‘choqboshi yumishidan xalos eta yozg‘an, unga faqat havli supurish, uy yig‘ish va shunga o‘xshash mayda ishlarnigina qoldirg‘an edi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar


As soon as he mentioned tea, Zainab rushed outside toward the stove, and as she did so, she glanced at Kumush s room. Though both the outer and inner door were open, no one was visible inside.


Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days

By the second or third week the kitchen staff was entirely in her hands, and finally, turning her focus on her kundosh and her two children, she started limiting their food intake.


Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days

She bore her mother-in-law's directions that, "When it is time for your sister to deliver, you must take the kitchen duties in your own hands!" with equanimity, almost completely freeing Oibadak from kitchen work, even continuing her lesser chores of sweeping the yard, cleaning the house, and so on.


Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days