O‘zb: Salqin shabada
Eng: Cooling breeze
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Muzdek shabada, Salqin shamol


Havo biroz salqin paytda esadigan mayin yel


Pleasantly cold breeze


Ummon sathi esa deyarli qilt etmas, bunday paytda qora qayiqni ko‘rishga umid ham bog‘lamas – qora qayiq o‘rniga ko‘z o‘ngida tutab borayotgan qora daraxt e’tiborini tortayotgan – baliqchi chol mingan qayiq esa odatda salqin shabada esgan damlarda paydo bo‘lardi.

Manba: Donishmand Sizif, X.Do`stmuhammad


Gibson interrupts the thirty- second silence that has fallen upon this perfect scene: the yacht, the sun, the iced drinks, the cries of the seagulls, the cooling breeze.


Manba: Paulo Coelho, The Winner Stands Alone