O‘zb: Sho`x kulgi
Eng: Boisterous laugh
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Olmos kulgular, Shodon kulgular


Shod, shodon, o`ynoqi kulgi


A noisily jolly or rowdy laugh


Ofitsiant ketishi bilan qayoqdandir sho`x ayol kulgisi eshitildi.

Manba: O`lmas Umarbekov, Urush farzandi


Boris remembered Natasha in a short dress, with dark eyes shining from under her curls and boisterous, childish laughter, as he had known her four years before; and so he was taken aback when quite a different Natasha entered, and his face expressed rapturous astonishment.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace