O‘zb: Kuldirmoq
Eng: To make others laugh


Kimningdir yuzida kulgi paydo qilsih


Cheer someone up and make them laugh telling something amusing


— Anavi Ulug‘tog‘ingizga ayting, ota, hadeb ushlab turavermay,

quyoshni qo‘yvorsin! U bo‘lmaganda biz allaqachon Sodiq bilan

o‘ynayotgan bo‘lardik, — ota-onasini kuldirgancha shirinlandi Yusuf.

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


Fergus was impertinent and absurd; but his impertinence and folly served to make others laugh, if they did not raise himself in their estimation.

Manba: The Tennant of Wildfell Hall Anna Bronte