O‘zb: G'aznachi
Eng: Treasurer (paymaster)


xazinabon, xazinachi; Hukmdor va boshliqlarning xazinasini va b. moddiy boyliklarini saqlovchi, boshqaruvchi shaxs; xazina boshlig'i


the the government official in charge of treasure, purser; A person who guards and manages the treasury and other material wealth of rulers and chiefs; head of treasury


Qishning izg`irinli tabiat ko`rinishiga qaramasdan saroy bosh g`aznachiga muhtoj edi.

Manba: Oybek, Tanlangan asarlar

G`aznachiga sulton yuzini burdi, Avaz asbobini keltir deb buyurdi.

Manba: Gulixiromon


The sultan turned his face to the treasurer and ordered him to bring his Avaz tool.

Manba: Gulikhiromon

Despite the windy and frosty nature sight of winter, the palace needed a chief treasurer.

Manba: Oybek, Selected works