Gorizontal (eni) oʻlchamiga nisbatan vertikal (tik) oʻlchami ortiq boʻlgan baland inshoot. Minoralar aylana, koʻp qirrali yoki toʻrtburchak shaklida barpo qilinib, yuqoriga tomon ingichkalashib boradi. Inshootning yuqorisiga chiqish uchun uning ichida aylanma zina boʻladi. Qadimdan minoralar masjid va madrasalar yonida yoki ularga tutash qurilgan.
Tall structure with a vertical dimension greater than its horizontal dimension. The towers are circular, polygonal, or rectangular in shape, narrowing upwards. There is a spiral staircase inside to get to the top of the building. From ancient times, minarets were built near or adjacent to mosques and madrasas.
...baland minoralarda kunda besh mahal noming go‘zal va baralla ovozda zikr etilajak va shu tarzda sen mashriq va mag‘ribda mashhur bo‘lajaksan. Manba: Jaloliddin Rumiy, Ichingdagi ichingdadir |
Oftobning olovli ko‘li Vobkent minorasi peshtoqini sham qilib yoqdi. Manba: Said Ahmad, Qorako‘z majnun |
Bajur qo’rg’onida uch ming kishiqatliom qilinganda ularning kallasidan minora yasalmishdir! Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Avlodlar dovoni |
When three thousand people were massacred in Bajur Fortress, a tower was built from their heads! Manba: Pirimqul Kadyrov, The Nek of Generations |
The fiery lake of the sun lit the roof of the Vobkent tower as a candle. Manba: Said Ahmad, The black eyed majnun |
... five times a day in the high towers your name will be mentioned in a beautiful and loud voice, and thus you will be famous in the east and the west. Manba: Jalaluddin Rumi, In It What's in It |