O‘zb: Butun yo`l
Eng: Entire road


To’liq yo’l


Whole road


Shaharchaning narigi chetidagi xonasining eshigiga yetganida Damaso butun yo‘lni uyquli ko‘zlari bilan bosib o‘tganining isboti uchun garov bog‘lashga ham tayyor edi.

Manba: Gabriel Garsia Markes, Bizning shaharda o‘g‘ri yo‘q


I didn’t know if it was older than the other pseudovisions, or if the low-lying, swamp-wet land made everything grow faster, but the Collier Farms access road became impassable just after I turned in because a thick grove of brambly brush had sprouted across the entire road.


Manba: John Green, Paper Towns