O‘zb: Aholi markazlari
Eng: Populational centres
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Aholi maskanlari, Aholi punktlari


Aholi yashaydigan joyning ma`muriy binolar, savdo va boshqa muassasalar o`rnashgan asosiy qismi


Centers that of or pertaining to population


Buxoro amirligida ham ahamiyatli bo'lgan aholi markazlari mavjud;…

Manba: "Tarixiy geografiya" Zokirjon Saidboboyev


The development of settlement systems and socio-geographical regions and towns – changes in the significance of populational centres, changes in functions of centres in the socio-geographical regional system, changes in the internal structure of settlements,…

Manba: Historical Geography Research Centre