O‘zb: Axloqsiz
Eng: Immoral
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Beadablik, Vijdonsiz


Yaxshi tarbiya ko`rmagan, axloq qoidalariga bo`ysunmaydigan, intizomsiz


Applies to one who acts contrary to or does not obey or conform to standards of morality


Salimxon singlisi bilan noma`lum, notayin bir student orasidagi aloqa muhabbatdan, o`z qarashi bilan aytganda, “axloqsizlikdan” xoli ekaniga qancha ishonsa ham, mishsmishlar qo`ymadi.

Manba: A.Qahhor “Sarob”


She knows I was more than usually sweet to her husband. And she’s jealous and hates me. And she despises me. In her eyes I’m an immoral woman. If I were an immoral woman I could have made her husband fall in love with me ...if I’d cared to.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina