O‘zb: Tashvishlanmoq
Eng: Worry
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: G`amxo`rlik


O‘ylamoq, bezovta bo‘lmoq, urinmoq


To be anxious or unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lot


Endi bu mening qishlog‘im, uning ko‘rki, obodligi uchun boshqalar qatorida men ham tashvishlanishim kerak.


Manba: R.Fayziy, Cho‘lga bahor keldi


Well, thought Scarlett, men always had to have something foolish to worry about. As far as she was concerned, the Yankees hadn’t whipped her once and they wouldn’t do it this time. The thing to do was to work like the devil and stop worrying about the Yankee government. After all, the war was over.

Manba: Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the wind