O‘zb: Belqars
Eng: Belkars / Belt


Belga bog‘lanadigan ro‘mol shaklidagi gulli yoki gulsiz, chetlari tikilgan mato parchasi; qiyiq, qiyiqcha


A piece of cloth with or without flower patterns, sewn at the edges, in the form of a scarf and tied around the waist of men. 


Kuyov belqars o‘ray-o‘ray eshik sari yurdi.

Manba: Tog’ay Murod, Oydinda yurgan odamlar

Oymomo qayliq tarafdan ko‘ylak, jelak, belqars hamda qo‘lro‘mol hayitlik keldi.

Manba: Tog'ay Murod, Oydinda yurgan odamlar


The bridegroom tied his belt and went towards the door.

Manba: Togay Murad, People by moonlight

A shirt, a robe, a belt and a handkerchief came from the bride Oymomo’s part.

Manba: Togay Murad, People by moonlight