O‘zb: Qizil rang
Eng: Red color


Hayotiylik, baxt, quvonch, ehtiros oqimini ramziy ma'noda anglatadi


Red color symbolizes vitality, happiness, joy and passion.


Ikki yuzi qip-qizil anorday edi.

Manba: Tog’ay Murod, Oydinda yurgan odamlar


Kumush lay still for several moments, her head under the blanket and her eyes wide
open. Then, finally, she got up and went over to the men's part of the yard. Her eyes were red and her eyelids swollen after a long cry; her face was puffy. But these changes didn't lessen her charms, or her grace; on the contrary, they made her ten times more beautiful.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days