O‘zb: Purviqor tog`
Eng: Huge mountain/glorious mountain
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Azamat tog`, Bahaybat tog`, Yuksak tog`


Viqorli, salobatli, baland tog’


Consisting large parts and gigant rocks; gorgeous mountain


Bepoyon tekisliklar, purviqor tog‘lar, ko‘m-ko‘k dengizlar, zilol ko‘llar, quyuq o‘rmonlar — hammahammasi seniki. 

Manba: Chingiz Aytmatov, Cho`qqida qolgan ovchining ohi-zori


Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue!

I have a man's mind, but a woman's might 

Manba: The life and death of Julius Caesar

"When we finished the booklets we perceived, easy, that the United States from Passadumkeg, Maine, to El Paso, and from Skagway to Key West was a paradise of glorious mountain peaks, crystal lakes, new laid eggs, golf, girls, garages, cooling breezes, straw rides, open plumbing and tennis; and all within two hours' ride.

Manba: O'Henry, Complete Works