O‘zb: Tovuq
Eng: Silly cow
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Tovuq miya


Ayol qandaydir ma'noda yoqimsiz, ayniqsa yomon, ahmoq, semiz, dangasa yoki murakkab deb hisoblangan ayol


A woman considered unpleasant in some way, particularly one considered nasty, stupid, fat, lazy, or difficult


Bundan ko`ra go`ng titganing yaxshi emasmi, keksa tovuq!

Manba: Qutlug` qon, Oybek


You have been set up, you silly cow; now don`t let me hear any more about this unless you have absolute stand-up-in-court proof it`s kosher.


Manba: House of Cards; season 1