O‘zb: Kulol
Eng: Potter


Kulolchilik bilan shug’ullanadigan ya’ni loydan turli buyumlar yasaydigan hunarmand 


Someone who deals with pottery, or more clearly, who makes pots, dishes, etc. out of clay


Suvoqchimi, kulolmi, duradgormi - bolalarni yonlariga oladilar.

Manba:  Toxir Malik, Saodat

Mardikor roʻyxatini ber bu yoqqa! — dedi bezgak xurush qilgan odamdek qaltirab kulol.

Manba: Nosir Safarov, Ko‘rgan kechirganlarim

O‘tgan yil qishloqqa borganida loydan kosa yasab olovda pishiradigan kulol bobonikiga o‘rtog‘i bilan mehmonga kirib, kosa qanday yasalishini, qanday pishirilishini ko‘rgan ekan.

Manba: Xudoyberdi To’xtaboyev, Jannati odamlar

Bo‘z-u alak bir taraf, shohi-atlas bir taraf, Kulollaru miskarlar o‘ng tomonda, kalavafurush-u ipakchilar chap tomonda…

Manba: Xudoyberdi To’xtaboyev, Qasoskorning oltin boshi


Last year, when he went to the village, with his friend he visited the potter uncle who makes and fires bowls and saw how to make and fire bowls.

Manba: Khudoyberdi Tuxtaboev, Heavenly People

Cotton cloths and grays are on one side, atlas is on another side, potters are on the right side, silk weavers on the left…

Manba: Khudoyberdi Tokhtaboyev, Golden Head of the Avenger

Be it a plasterer, a potter or a carpenter, they take care of kids.

Manba: Tokhir Malik, Happiness

Give me a list of workers! - said the potter, trembling like a man with malaria.

Manba: Nosir Safarov, My Life Experience