O‘zb: Ko`chmanchi aholi
Eng: Nomadic population


O`troq bo`lmagan holda, ko`chib yurib hayot kechiradigan aholi


People that travel from place to place and do not live in any one place for very long


Shunday qilib, miloddan awalgi VI —IV asrlardagi o'troq aholi

va ko'chmanchi aholidan sak, massaget qabilalari O'rta Osiyo aholisining

keyingi asrlardagi etnik taraqqiyotiga zamin tayyorlab bergan.

Manba: "Tarixiy geografiya" Zokirjon Saidboboyev


During the period when the southern part of Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan were dominated by the Hephthalites, the nomadic population of the northern steppes continued to change.


Manba: Yuri Bregel, An Historical Atlas Of Central Asia