O‘zb: Charlar
Eng: Charlar


Nikoh to`yidan so`ng kelinning ota uyiga birinchi tashrifi


A ritual when the in-laws of the bride meet for the first time after the wedding ceremony. 


Durust, man otangizga birga ketalmasligimni, charlarni uch-to‘rt kun kutib qolishimni bir necha vaqt aytalmay yurdim va

nihoyat otangiz ketishka ruxsat so‘ray boshlag‘ach, otam orqaliq uzrimni aytirdim, bas, bunda qanday uyatsizlik bo‘lsin, gumonimcha isitmangiz qattig‘ ushlag‘an ko‘rinadir va bu telbalarcha maktubingizni isitma orasida yozg‘on o‘xshaysiz...

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Oʻtkan kunlar

Charlaring ham bo‘la qolmadiki, qayin otangni borib ko‘rsang. Yoki charlarsiz ham ko‘ra qolasanmi?

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Oʻtkan kunlar


Your charlar has not been arranged yet, as tradition demands.
Maybe you should not wait till the right day and just go visit your sick
father-in-law now.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days

I admit that Ifelt ashamed totell your father for some time that I could notaccompany him back to
Margilan as I had to attend the charlar. But when your father started
to ask permission to travel home, I explained everything to him and
through him sent my apologies to you. What is shameless about that?
It seems that a fever has struck you down and taken control of your

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days