Kuchli, shiddat bilan tez-tez yog`ayotgan yomg’ir
Raining in a heavy manner
Bir necha kun avval chaqmoqlar, momaqaldiroqlar bilan boshlangan shiddatli yomg‘ir jazirama va sokin yoz kunlarining menga bergan mavridsiz g‘am-u g‘ussalarini, dudmal hayot horg‘inligini yuvib ketdi. Manba: Rashod Nuri Guntekin, Choliqushi |
It had been raining heavily for one whole month— raining on a camp of thirty thousand men and thousands of camels, elephants, horses, bullocks, and mules all gathered together at a place called Rawal Pindi,… Manba: Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book |