O‘zb: Pufakdek yengilgina
Eng: Like a feather
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Undek momiq


Vazni kam, og`irligi pufakdek


Having characteristic of plumage; as light as a feather


… manavi yumaloq, dumaloq, baqaloqdan yuz karra ulkanroq toshbulut… go‘yo ichiga havo to‘ldirilgan pufakdek yengilgina va hech qanday qiyinchiliksiz suzib borayotgandi.

Manba: Donishmand Sizif, X.Do`stmuhammad


But the battle was too unequal: the landlady waved her away like a feather

Manba: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

In a third place a crowd of bees, crushing one another, attack some victim and fight and smother it, and the victim, enfeebled or killed, drops from above slowly and lightly as a feather, among the heap of corpses.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace