Qushbegi darajasidagi yuqori lavozim: xon saroyidagi xorijiy ishlar mutasaddisi.
Senior position at the rank of Kushbegi: Foreign Affairs Officer at the Khan's Palace.
— Xizmatchi Mehtarga ayt, Zirg‘omni qasrga joylab, hamma zarur narsani muhayyo qilib, keyin mening huzurimga kelsin, kohin kelguncha u bilan gaplashib oladigan ozgina gapim bor, - dedi. Manba: Jo‘rjiy Zaydon, Farg‘ona kelini |
Boshiga katta simobiy salla, egniga zarchopon kiygan mehtar to'rdagi ko'rpachada o'tirib, elchilarga yo'l-yo'riq berar edi. Manba: Mirkarim Osim, Elchilar. |
"Tell the servant Mehtar to take Zirgom to the palace, provide him with everything he needs, and then come to me. I have something to say to him before the priest comes," he said. Manba: Jurji Zaydon, The Bride of Fergana |
Themehtar, wearing a large turban on his head and a gold-ebroidered coat on his shoulders, was sitting in the centre of the room, instructing the ambassadors. Manba: Mirkarim Osim, Ambassadors |