O‘zb: Mo`ylovini buramoq
Eng: Twist moustache


Mo`ylov uchini burab yurmoq



Bend the tip of a mustache


Farang oldiniga bir oz tarang qilib turdi-da, yigitlar yalinishga o‘tgach, og‘zidagi nosni tuflab, mo‘ylovini burab so‘zga tushdi.


Manba: Mansurxo‘ja Xo‘jayev, Shermuhammadbek qo‘rboshi.


. "When we got back to our house O'Connor began to walk up and down the floor and twist his moustaches.


Manba: Lay Morals by Stevenson

The detective twisted his moustache, eyeing my friend in a somewhat bantering fashion. 

Manba: Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie