O‘zb: Qizarib-bo`zarib yorishayotgan ufq
Eng: Lights glitter on the dark horizon
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ol-ol shafaq, Qip-qizil shafaq


Tong otish mahalidagi ufq


The act of the dark horizon turning into a bright, sparkling lights.


U har kuni el uyg`onmasdan chodirdan chiqardi-da xuddi quyoshni qarshilayotgandek cho`l tarafga, qizarib-bo`zarib yorishayotgan ufq tarafga qarab ketardi.

Manba: Said Ahmad, Ufq


Towards two in the morning a double row of lights glittered on the dark horizon in which were confounded the two banks of the Angara.


Manba: Jules Verne, Michael Strogoff: The Courier Of The Czar