Qo’lida kuchi ko’p
A hand that can lift heavy things
“Faqat yosh yigitning kuchli qo‘llari uni mahkam ushlab, kampirning boshidan pastroq tushirdi va ikkala yosh, shu bo‘yicha, turgan joylarida turib qoldilar...” Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar |
When the foremost billows rolled past, bearing the prison officers with them, and threatening them all with instant death if any secret nook remained undisclosed, Defarge laid his strong hand on the breast of one of these men—a man with a grey head, who had alighted torch in his hand— separated him from the rest, and got him between himself and the wall. Manba: Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities |