O‘zb: Halimlik
Eng: Softness, gentleness
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Hilm


O'ta muloyimlik, xushmuomalalik


The quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered.


Bir-ikki daqiqa sukutdan so'ng Saidahmadxon sun'iy tabassum, halimlik ovozi bilan so'z boshladi.


Manba: “Ulug' yo'l” Oybek


What could be a finer thing to live with than a high spirit attuned to softness?

Manba: The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James

Even the rare moments of tenderness that came from time to time did not soothe her; in his tenderness now she saw a shade of complacency, of self-confidence, which had not been of old and which exasperated her.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina