Shiiddat va kuchli tezlik bilan oqadigan daryo
A river running fast
Bir ma’shuq to‘satdan daryoga tushib ketdi, oshig‘i uni qutqarish uchun darhol o‘zyni suvga otdi. Ular ikkalasi bir-biriga yetishgach, ma’shuq oshiqdan so‘radi: «Ey bexabar, men bu tez oqar daryoga tushib ketdim, sen nega o‘zingni suvga otding?» Oshiqdedi: «Men o‘zimni sendan ayri bilmaganim uchun seni daryoda ko‘rib, o‘zimni tashladim. Manba: "Mantiq-ut tayr" Fariduddin Attor |
The water of the fountain ran, the swift river ran, the day ran into evening, so much life in the city ran into death according to rule, time and tide waited for no man, the rats were sleeping close together in their dark holes again, the Fancy Ball was lighted up at supper, all things ran their course. Manba: A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens |