O‘zb: Xoxolab dunyoni buzmoq
Eng: To laugh raucously


Qattiq qah-qah otib kulmoq, kulgusidan yer titramoq


To laugh loudly


... kim yig‘lag‘an bolasini ovitish bilan ovora, birav yor-yor o‘qub, tag‘in bittasining quvonchi ichiga sig‘may xaxolab dunyoni buzadi, xullas bag‘-bug‘ yetti qat ko‘kdan oshadir...

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tgan kunlar


Someone else was busy calming crying children, attempting to put them to sleep. Other women were singing a wedding song and yelling "Yor-yor!" at the top of their lungs, while yet others laughed raucously, ruining the tranquility of the world.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days