O‘zb: Oltin kuz
Eng: Golden / amber autumn


Daraxtlardagi yaproqlar sarg’aygani tufayli oltin tusiga kirgan kuz


The time when leaves on the trees are showing us their true autumn colours


Sevaman , oltin kuz, sevaman jondan ,

Atlas tabiatli go’zal chog’ingni,

Daraxtlar libosi rango-rang, gulgun ,

Ko’zin erkalagan chaman bog’ingni 

Manba: Zulfiya, Yillar sadosi


Sunny autumn - the autumn which have a lot of sun

Hot autumn - it is when autumn days are warmer than usual

The winter will be short, the summer long,

The autumn amber, sunny and hot,

Tasting of  cider and of scuppernong 

Manba: Elinor Wylil, Nets to catch the world

The ripe, the golden month has come again, and in Virginia the chinkapins are falling. Frost sharps the middle music of the seasons, and all things living on the earth turn home again ...

Manba: Thomas Wolfe