O‘zb: Yalingansimon
Eng: Imploringly


Yalingannamo, yalinganga o`xshab


Beseechingly, in manner that implores or beseeches


Yusuf cho‘ntagiga qo‘l solib, besh-oltita konfet olib, kichkintoylarga uzatgan edi, ena “Qand bo‘lsa, menga ham ber, o‘g‘lim”,– dedi yalingansimon.

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


" Then I must go down on my knees," said he ; and kneeling before me, with clasped hands, uplifted in mock humiliation, he continued imploringly "Forgive me, Helen! dear Helen, forgive me, and I'll never do it again!"

Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall