O‘zb: Ahmoqlik
Eng: Stupidity
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Devonalik, Jinnilik, Telbalik


Ahmoqona xatti-harakat



behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment


O’zganing ehtiyojini qondirmoq buyuk insoniylik hisoblangan davrlar ortda qolgan, endi bu—ayb, ahmoqlik sanaladi 

Manba: Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi, O‘gay ona


But I could not bring myself to make the request; and it was not till after he was gone, that I saw how fair an opportunity I had lost; and then, indeed, I deeply regretted my stupidity and my foolish pride, but it was now too late to remedy the evil. 

Manba: The Tennant of Wildlife Hall