O‘zb: Manti
Eng: Manti / Manty


Go’sht yoki sabzavotli qiyma bilan to’ldirilgan  va maxsus qozonda dimlanadigan katta chuchvara shakliga ega bo’lgan o’zbek oshxonasiga mansub taom


Steamed dumplings stuffed with chopped mutton/beef, onion and seasoning, drizzled with sour milk.


Mingboshi Qumariqda chovrilgan u g‘alati nayranglar va u nayranglarning ustasi to‘g‘risida shunday shirin o‘ylarga ketgan, Miryoqub esa mingboshining xursandlik va kayf bilan mast bo‘lgan yuzlariga tikilgan bir paytda ichkaridan bir tovoq to‘la manti chiqib, dasturxonning o‘rtasidan joy oldi.

Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz

Miryoqub bu dargohda tez-tez ko‘rinib turadigan bu serqatiq, semiz va yog‘liq mantilarga qadrdon do‘stini qo‘rganday shirin bir kayf bilan tikildi, so‘ngra ko‘zlarini tovoqdan qo‘tarib, mingboshining yuzlariga qaragach, shu topda tovoqdagi manti bilan tovoqqa tomon egilgan yuz o‘rtasida hech qanday farq ko‘rmadi: ikkalasi ham shu qadar yog‘liq edi!

Manba: Cho'lpon, Kecha va kunduz

Anvar o’rtaga dasturxon yozib, ikki lagan manti chiqarib qo’ydi.


Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Mehrobdan chayon


Anvar spread the tablecloth and brought two plates of manti.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, The Scorpion in the Mihrab

Miryoqub’s eyes moved over to the fat, oily, yogurt-laden mantis, and then slowly back to mingboshi's face, which had dropped down to the food. He suddenly noticed that there was almost no difference between the two: mingboshi's slovenly, unkempt face was just as greasy as the mantis.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day

Mingboshi lost himself in sweet thoughts about the intrigues planned in Qumariq and the master of intrigues, Miryoqub. As Miryoqub stared at mingboshi’s face, which was intoxicated with an unprecedented pleasure, a plate full of mantis emerged from the kitchen and was placed in the middle of the table.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day