Zarar keltiruvchi, boshqa gul-ko`chatlarga halaqit qiladigan o’simlik
A plant that derives some or all of its nutritional requirement from another living plant.
Agar u bo‘lg‘usi gulko‘chat yoki maymunjon bo`lsa, mayli, bemalol o‘sib-unaversin; bordi-yu qandaydir zararkunanda o‘simlik bo‘lsa, tag-tomiri bilan yulib tashlash kerak. Manba: Kichkina shahzoda, Antuan de Sent-Ekzyuperi |
Harriet had adapted the flower from a relative of toothwort: a parasitic plant that completely lacked chlorophyll, and hence liad a pale, unpleasant appearance. Manba: Ian Creasey, The Language of Flowers |