O‘zb: Ko`tarinki kayfiyat
Eng: High spirits


Xursandchilik kayfiyati, ko`tarinki ruhdagi holat


Lively and cheerful behaviour or mood


Undagi o‘sha ko‘tarinki kayfiyat, matonat, kelajakka bo‘lgan ishonch hozir yodimga tushdi. 


Manba: Somerset Moem, Chandiqli kishi


Holmes chuckled and wriggled in his chair, as was his habit when in high spirits. “It is a little off the beaten track, isn’t it?” said he. “And now, Mr.Wilson, off you go at scratch and tell us all about yourself, your household, and the effect which this advertisement had upon your fortunes. You will first make a note, Doctor, of the paper and the date.


Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes