Yonoqlarda mayda nuqtacha shakldagi dog’larning bo`lishi
Small, brownish spots that are situated in two bones above your cheeks.
Onamiz to‘lishib-to‘lishib qoldi. Yonoqlarida sepkil toshib-sepkil toshib qoldi. Manba: Tog`ay Murod, "Oydinda yurgan odamlar" |
It was impossible to say through which sense he had the impression, but somehow, perhaps only in the tiny white hairs on the skin of her bare arm or the blood he had seen rise beneath the light freckles of her cheekbone, he felt certain there was some keener physical life than she was actually living in the calm, restrictive rooms of her husband's house with its oval door handles of polished china and its neatly inlaid parquet floors. Manba: Sebastian Faulks, Bird song |