Ochiq havoda o'tirishga, yotishga mo'ljallangan, to'rt oyoqli va panjarali katta keng yog'och karavot, so'ri.
Large spacious wooden courtyard bed with four legs and grille, designed for sitting and lying down outdoors; also called so'ri
Xola ayvondagi chorpoyaga ko'rpacha to'shab, choy damlab keldi. Manba: S. Nurov, Maysalarni ayoz urmaydi |
Qizlar chorpoyaga chiqib, ko'rpachaga o'tirgach, Rajabboy Sattorni o'choqboshiga chaqirdi. Manba: O'. Usmonov, Qismat |
She laid a blanket on the chorpoya - a courtyard platform and brought tea. Manba: S. Nurov, The cold does not damage the grass |
As the girls climbed on the chorpoya - courtyard platform and sat on the blankets, Rajabboy called Sattor to the oven. Manba: O'.Usmonov, The Fate |