O‘zb: Katta ko`z
Eng: Large / big eyes


Bu o’rinda ko’z kosasining tashqaridan ko’rinadigan shaklining kattaligiga nisbatan aytilgan


Large eyes


To’la ko’rkam yuzli, katta, malla ko’zli, uzun mosh-guruch soqolli bu mullanamo inson Otabekning otasi Yusyfbek hoji edi.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar


“His hair, of which he had a great profusion, was red, and hanging in disorder about his face and shoulders, gave to his restless looks an expression quite unearthly - enhanced by the paleness of his complexion, and the glassy lustre of his large protruding eyes.”

Manba: Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge