O‘zb: Istehzoli lab
Eng: Curled lip


Norozilik kayfiyatini ifodalovchi lab


When the corner of one's lip is moved up in an expression that usually shows disapproval.


Atrofini ajin qoplagan istehzoli labni,Kibrla oldinda turgan iyakni  tasavur qilin-ga!

Manba: Onore De Balzak, G‘oyib bo‘lgan durdona


As Hawk led Julianne along the perimeter of the ballroom, dozens of people marked their progress. A sidelong glance assured her more than a few ladies were watching with curled lips. Let the jealous cats scowl. Tonight she was on the arm of the most handsome gentleman in the ballroom. 

Manba: Vicky Dreiling, How to seduce a scoundrel