O‘zb: Yorqin yulduz
Eng: Bright and particular star
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Porloq yulduz


Judayam yorqin, kuchli  nurga ega , ilg’ash oson bo’lgan  yulduz


Very bright, has a strong light, a star that is entangled


Chala-chulpa shaxsni — yorqin yulduz etib ko‘rsatadi. Chiroq yoqsa yorishmovchi qalbini —otash yurak etib ko‘rsatadi. Xom kallasini — aql xaltasi qilib ko‘rsatadi.

Manba: Tog`ay Murod, Bu dunyoda o`lib bo`lmaydi


Exacting and harassing as ever, it goes on without her; and she, a by no means bright or particular star, moves in her little orbit in the corner of another system, and knows it quite well, and comes, and cries, and goes away, and is satisfied.

Manba: Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son