O‘zbek bolalari repertuarida keng tarqalgan ma’naviy o‘yin. U bolalar oldiga gapirmaslikni, jim turish shartini qo‘yadi. Guldur-guplar bolalarga so‘zning qudratini, insoniy munosabatlardagi mas“ulligini, so‘z va ish (harakat) uyg‘unligini idrok yetishlariga ko‘maklashadi, eng muhimi, bardoshlilikka o‘rgatadi, irodalarini toblantiradi.
A popular educational folk game. It teaches children not to talk much and keep quiet. The game helps children to understand the power of words, responsibility in human relationships, the harmony of words and actions, and most importantly, teaches endurance and strengthens the will.
Tarix darsi hammasidan g‘aroyib bo‘ldi. Direktorning «guldurgup o‘yini» degan uslubi bor ekan. Manba: Murg’obliklar, Murza G’aparov |
Yur. Gap bor. Bo‘lgan ish bo‘ldi... Sen sho‘rlik ham bir maza qil, — dedi. — Lekin guldurgup, — dedi O’rmonjon aka. Manba: O’zbeklar, Shukur Holmirzayev |
The history class was more interesting than others. The head of school has a method called “game of keeping silence”. Manba: Murza Gaparov, People from Murghob |
“Come with me. I have something to tell you. Don’t regret what has happened. You, pity man, have every right to enjoy. But it is a secret, do not tell anybody about it" – said Urmonjon aka. Manba: Shukur Kholmirzaev, Uzbeks |