O‘zb: Bosib olingan viloyat
Eng: Conquered region


Boshqalar tomonidan o`z hududiga qo`shib olingan viloyat


Region that defeated in combat


Shunday qilib, mo‘g‘ullar bosib olingan viloyatlarni uluslarga taqsimlab, udel asosida boshqarishga

Manba: Tarixiy geografiya, Zokirjon Saidboboyev


At the same time he deported numerous scholars, artists, and artisans from various conquered regions and brought them to Mavarannahr in order to have them embellish his capital, Samarqand. He could neither read nor write, but he knew Persian and showed a great interest in history.

Manba: Yuri Bregel, An Historical Atlas Of Central Asia