O‘zb: Berkinmachoq
Eng: Hide-and-seek


Berkinmachoq- bolalar orasidan topuvchi bola tanlab olinadi va kelishilgan vaqt davomida ko`zlarini yopib turadi. Bu paytda qolganlar berkinishlari zarur. Belgilangan vaqt tugagach izlovchi bola qolganlarni qidirishni boshlaydi va birinchi bo`lib topilgan bola keying safar izlovchi bo`ladi.  


A popular children's game in which at least two players conceal themselves in a set environment, to be found by one or more seekers. The game is played by one player chosen closing their eyes and counting to a predetermined number while the other players hide.


Bir kuni Zulmat Oy bilan berkinmachoq o‘ynabdi. U uylar, mo‘rilar ortiga o‘tib olib, oy nuri yetib kelgunicha o‘sha yerda berkinib o‘tiribdi. Ba’zida esa ko‘chada daydib yurgan it yoki mushukning orqasiga yashirinib olibdi. Xullas, Oydan berkinish unga qiyinchilik tug‘dirmabdi.

Manba: “GULXAN” jurnalidan


One day The Darkness was playing hide-and-seek with the Moon. She passed behind the houses, the moors, and sat there until the Moonlight came. And sometimes she hid behind the back of a dog or a cat wandering in the street. So, hiding from the Moon was not difficult for her.

Manba: From The Journal "GULXAN"